(470) 268-5802
Check That The Lawyers Offer a Free Consultation

Check That The Lawyers Offer a Free Consultation

While you are reviewing the attorney’s website, look to see if they provide a free case review/consultation. Most accident attorneys offer case evaluations at no cost so that both parties can assess whether they’re a good fit for one another. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today at (470) 268-5802 to talk about your case with one of our experienced lawyers.

Review Your Lawyer’s Credentials

Review Your Lawyer’s Credentials

Before you consult with a construction accident lawyer, be sure to read their reviews on Google and Yelp. Attorney rating directories like Avvo and Super Lawyers are also a great place to look for reviews and ratings. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today via phone at (470) 268-5802 to talk about your case with one of our experienced lawyers.

Decide What Kind of Lawyer You Need

Decide What Kind of Lawyer You Need

If you’re a worker or bystander injured on a construction site, you will need a lawyer with a different set of skills and experience than if you are the owner of a construction company. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today  at (470) 268-5802 to talk about your case with one of our experienced lawyers via phone.

Construction Accident Injury Lawyer

Construction Accident Injury Lawyer

Construction Accident Injury Lawyer

If you have been involved in an accident at a construction site, you probably have questions about your legal options and rights to seek compensation for your injuries. For instance, you may wonder whether you have a case to seek compensation, if you should hire a construction accident injury lawyer, and how to find a qualified attorney for your case.

Construction accidents are often much more complicated than other personal injury cases because there are typically many parties on a worksite, including employers, vendors, manufacturers, and other laborers.

Identifying these parties and their relationships to each other, their duties, and who may be liable for negligent acts takes a great deal of work and a firm understanding of the law. This is why most construction accident victims consult with a construction accident attorney before they decide how to proceed with their case. A lawyer can help you untangle the web of liability and understand your options and legal rights.

However, the success of your case depends in part on your lawyer’s skills, experience, determination, and willingness to fight for their clients. You need to choose an attorney who not only is committed to your case but also has the right experience.

Here is how you can find the right construction accident attorney to handle your case.

Decide What Kind of Lawyer You Need

Because construction accident cases are quite complex, you may want to do some thinking about your situation/case and what you need from your lawyer.

For example, what was your role in the accident? If you’re a worker or bystander injured on a construction site, you will need a lawyer with a different set of skills and experience than if you are the owner of a construction company.

In most cases, injured workers and bystanders will be looking for a personal injury lawyer with experience in construction site accidents.

Additionally, if you’re a worker, whether or not your employer holds workers’ compensation insurance may influence your decision to hire one law firm over another. Some lawyers specialize in workers’ compensation claims and disputes, while others focus primarily on representing victims in cases with no workers’ comp insurance policies.

Review Their Credentials

Before you consult with a construction accident lawyer, be sure to read their reviews on Google and Yelp. Attorney rating directories like Avvo and Super Lawyers are also a great place to look for reviews and ratings.

Additionally, make sure to visit their website. Most attorney websites include testimonials, a list of their services and areas of expertise, educational resources, and a list of notable verdicts and settlements.

Pay close attention to information that highlights their experience with construction accidents. While the website will obviously be designed to show the firm in the best light, visiting will give you some sense of their experience and professionalism.

Check That They Offer a Free Consultation

While you are reviewing the attorney’s website, look to see if they provide a free case review/consultation. Most accident attorneys offer case evaluations at no cost so that both parties can assess whether they’re a good fit for one another.

If an attorney charges you for an initial consultation, that is usually a red flag. Offering free consultations is a fairly standard practice among construction accident attorneys, so if a firm does not provide this service, it could be a sign that they are not as professional, experienced, or trustworthy.

Ask About Their Experience with Construction Accidents

A consultation is your best chance to evaluate your construction accident injury lawyer. This is your opportunity to ask them about their experience with cases like yours. They should be able to give you a high-level overview of similar settlements and verdicts.

The right lawyer will also ask you questions about your case. They will use your responses to decide whether or not your case is a good match with their experience and specialization. They should also help you weigh your options for your next move and recommend resources for more information and support where possible.

Ultimately, trust your instincts. If something feels off during your consultation, it is perfectly acceptable to go with another law firm.

If you’re looking for an experienced, dedicated, and reputable construction accident attorney, we encourage you to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our legal team at Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC.

We have helped hundreds of construction accident victims protect their legal rights and pursue the compensation they need to recover from their injuries. Contact us today to learn more.

How A Construction Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Personal Injury Action in Addition to Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ compensation benefits only apply to legal claims between the direct employer and the employee. Although workers have the right to file a worker’s compensation claim against their employers, the benefits are generally inadequate compensation for medical bills, lost wages, future earning capacity, and diminished quality of life.

Victims have the option to hire a construction accident injury lawyer to help them file a work injury claim to see if other financial entities can provide justice for the construction worker.

Construction projects usually involve multiple companies, entities, and persons all involved in and working on a single construction site project. A construction accident lawyer can help find which groups, persons, or companies, who do not employ the injured worker, negligently caused an injury, and file a personal injury lawsuit in addition to the workers’ compensation benefits claim.

In some cases, where defective materials or safety equipment are the cause of the injury on a construction site, an employee may also be able to bring a product liability case against the manufacturer for negligence.

Because of the myriad of possibilities for potential recovery from various potential parties in a construction site injury, it is very important that injured constriction site workers and their families contact an experienced construction accident attorney as soon as possible following the accident.

Construction work is both dangerous and demanding, requiring a worker to handle heavy machinery, dangerous equipment, climb to great heights and perform their job in inherently dangerous environments.

Construction accidents occur even when a construction worker takes all the proper precautions resulting in the worker suffering a significant injury while on the job. Unsafe circumstances that lead to an injury on a construction site may entitle the injured worker to compensation from the construction company he or she is employed by and possibly other parties.

A construction accident attorney is an important advocate who can ensure that you and your family can protect all of your legal rights.

Even an injury that does not seem serious at first can result in serious consequences for an injured worker and his or her family. When you’re injured at a construction site, you face financial stress brought on by medical bills and lost wages during recovery.

In cases where the injury is serious, you may lose the ability to ever return to work again. Moreover, in especially catastrophic incidents, you may face a lifetime of treatment, surgeries, therapy, and rehabilitation.

The expenses associated with medical treatment and loss of earning capacity can amount to six-figure, even seven-figure sums. A devastating injury can amount to great financial hardship which you and your family should not face alone.

An experienced construction accident lawyer will be able to help you and your family fight to get compensation regarding:

  • Medical bills, hospital bills, and rehabilitation costs associated with treatment for your injuries
  • Lost wages as a result of missing time from work because you’re injured, including lost earning capacity for the future
  • Pain and suffering, both past and future including diminished quality of life
  • Emotional distress you’re suffering because you’ve been seriously injured

Should I Hire a Construction Accident Attorney?

If you have been in an accident at a construction site, you’ve probably already encountered lots of medical and financial issues. Amid the chaos, you may be wondering, “should I have a construction accident injury lawyer?” The answer depends on your situation but is often yes.

How Would a Construction Accident Attorney Help?

Having an experienced construction accident attorney on your side will help you by understanding how to file a civil suit and under what legal theories to bring the action, as well as help you with a workers’ compensation claim, if applicable.

A good construction accident attorney can help you recover losses resulting from your accident at work and reduce the amount of paperwork and hassle associated with your possible insurance, as well as legal claims.

Hiring a lawyer can make the difference between a justly resolved case and losing compensation for your injuries from the accident.

An experienced construction accident lawyer can help you get compensation to cover any losses incurred due to the accident, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and future medical needs. In addition, an attorney may help you and your family recover when a loved one is killed on a construction project in what is called a wrongful death case.

When to Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer

It is best to hire a construction accident injury lawyer early in the process to avoid costly mistakes. The deadline to file construction accident claims varies from state to state. Because you may need to pay for medical bills and cover your lost wages, the sooner you contact an attorney the better.

Generally, an injured worker should contact an attorney shortly after the accident occurs, within one to two weeks.

If a representative of your employer or an insurance company comes to you with a settlement offer, don’t sign it without first consulting with an attorney. The settlement may not be in your best interests, especially if you have more injuries or financial losses that aren’t accounted for in the offer.

Questions to Ask a Construction Accident Attorney

Many attorneys provide a free consultation to determine if they can take your case. Before coming to speak with a prospective construction accident lawyer, you should have as much detailed information and facts about the construction accident and all of your injuries and financial losses as possible.

You should bring your employment contract or other paperwork, any pictures of the scene or your injuries, any medical records, any record of days you missed from work, among other things. These will help your lawyer determine the merit of your case and the best first steps to take.

You want to find an experienced construction accident attorney who is well versed in the relevant state and national workplace safety, transportation, negligence, or product liability laws, knows how to deal with workers’ comp, as well as insurance and health care companies, and knows how to effectively prepare and settle a case.

During this consultation, you should ask some preliminary questions to get to know the attorney and his or her experience, for example:

  • How long have you been practicing law? How long with construction accident cases?
  • What percentage of your practice is devoted to construction accident cases? How many construction accident cases have you handled? How often have they settled? Gone through litigation?
  • What is a typical settlement range for cases like mine?
  • What is your fee structure? What out-of-pocket expenses am I responsible for? These cases can be taken on contingency, which means if you don’t win, your lawyer gets nothing, but if you do win, you owe a specific amount, such as 30% to 40% to your lawyer.
  • Do you have any references?

If the lawyer’s office isn’t convenient for you, ask if your lawyer can meet you at your home or closer to your home, such as at a satellite office close by. This can be particularly important if you are still recovering in the hospital or rehabilitation facility when you decide to hire an attorney.

Schedule Your Consultation/Case Review Today

If you’d like to make a workers’ compensation claim, contact your employer. If your injury was caused by a third party, you can file a claim in a civil suit for damages. However, before filing your claim, you should consult with an experienced, reputable, dedicated, and professional construction accident injury lawyer to determine your best option moving forward.

Construction Accident Injury Lawyer

Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today to talk about your case with one of our experienced lawyers via phone at (470) 268-5802 or by submitting an email inquiry here. Our attorneys will be quick to respond to you and happy to answer all of your questions.

We offer FREE, no-obligation consultation/case review.

Construction Accident Injury Lawyer

Construction Accident Injury Lawyer


Types of Construction Accidents #2

Types of Construction Accidents #2

Forklifts – Forklifts and other heavy machinery are commonly used for various activities on construction sites. A skilled operator should man these massive, complicated, and equally dangerous machines; otherwise, serious accidents could easily occur if they are not handled properly. Contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today at (470) 268-5802 If you have suffered an injury due to an accident at a construction site.

Proving Your Case

Proving Your Case

As is true in most injury cases resulting from vehicle accidents, the main legal theory of liability in construction truck accident cases is “negligence.” Therefore, a person injured in a construction truck accident must show that. Call us today at (470) 268-5802 If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction truck accident, get in touch with our Atlanta construction truck accident lawyer.